Southeast Rural Community Assistance Project, Inc. (SERCAP) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization focused on improving the quality of life for low-to-moderate income individuals living in the Southeast United States. Since 1969, when SERCAP first brought clean, safe drinking water to low-income rural residents of Virginia’s Roanoke Valley, the agency has grown into an organization directly responsible for providing safe water, sanitary water disposal, and structurally sound housing to well over a million households across its seven state service region.

SERCAP's work focused on access to clean water, but the agency quickly realized that water is just one of many basic daily needs. Now SERCAP advocates to ensure all residents living in the agency's service region have daily access to clean and affordable drinking water, working indoor plumbing and wastewater facilities, and safe and affordable housing in which to live.

Who SERCAP Serves

We often hear people say, “SERCAP does a lot more than I thought,” and it’s true! Learn more about SERCAP's programs and services below.