Indoor Plumbing & Rehabilitation Flex (IPR-Flex)

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SERCAP’s Indoor Plumbing & Rehabilitation Flex (IPR-Flex) Program

SERCAP’s Indoor Plumbing & Rehabilitation Flex (IPR-Flex) Program provides eligible Low-to-Moderate Income (LMI) Homeowners with Housing Rehabilitation Specialist Services focused on addressing incomplete indoor plumbing, failed septic systems, and/or lack of potable water in the home. SERCAP’s skilled Housing Rehabilitation Specialists provide Technical Assistance and coordinate projects between funders, clients, and contractors. Funding for the IPR-Flex Program is generously provided by the Virginia Department of Housing & Community Development’s (DHCD).

Service Area

Currently, SERCAP is the Region 5 Provider for DHCD’s IPR-Flex Program. Region 5 consists of 11 Counties in the Commonwealth of Virginia, including: Albemarle, Augusta, Buckingham, Fluvanna, Greene, Highland, Louisa, Nelson, Page, Rockingham, and Shenandoah Counties. Additionally, SERCAP has some funds available to provide rehabs in other counties throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Program Eligibility

To be eligible for SERCAP’s IPR-Flex Program a house must: be an existing structure, owner-occupied, lack complete indoor plumbing, have no potable water, and/or have a failing septic system. Additionally, the homeowner must: have lived in the existing home for at least one year, meet the income eligibility guidelines by being at or below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI), and all Income and Assets must be verified by appropriate documentation. 
SERCAP’s IPR-Flex Program is provided to LMI Individuals as an affordable, forgivable loan. All IPR-Flex Loans are 0% Interest with loan terms up to 5 years, and deferred loan payments for the full loan-term.

This program is currently only available in Virginia. 
For more information about the Program or to request an Application, contact Ellen Smith at or 540-345-1184 ext. 122.