Housing Team Assists Low-Income Elderly Man as Part of Martinsville CDBG Project

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Friday, 29 November 2024 Stories, SERCAP News, Housing

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Recently, SERCAPs Housing Team assisted a low-income elderly gentleman living in the City of Martinsville, VA, as part of the City’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) project. In late 2021/early 2022, SERCAP’s Housing Team was selected as the Housing Rehabilitation Specialists for the Pine Hall CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Planning Grant Project, and then the agency was subsequently selected to provide Housing Rehabilitation Specialist services for the construction phase of the grant project. The full Pine Hall CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Project is a partnership between the Virginia Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD), City of Martinsville, the West Piedmont Planning District Commission, and SERCAP. 


In the recent past, the client began facing numerous challenges with his 50-year-old home, from its deteriorating condition. However, due to his low-income status, the client was unable to cover any significant home repair costs on his own without causing serious financial hardship. Fortunately, the client reached out to SERCAP for assistance. 


Following an initial housing inspection of the client’s home, SERCAP’s Rural Housing Specialist determined that the property was in need of significant rehabilitation. SERCAP and the City of Martinsville, via the Pine Hall CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Project, were able to provide both financial and technical assistance to complete the project. The contract for the project was awarded to Vincent Brown of Statesville Painting and Maintenance, for the full $134,725.00 project cost. Construction was recently completed, and included: installation of new windows and doors, installation of a new roof, floor repairs, upgrades to the HVAC and Electrical systems, installation of ADA features throughout the home, and a fully renovation of both the kitchen and bathroom. Now the client has an affordable home that is warm, safe, dry, and accessible. 


*SERCAPs Housing Programsare primarily made possibleby the Virginia Department of Housing & Community Developments (DHCD) Indoor Plumbing & Rehabilitation Flex (IPR-Flex) Program, by County Funds (Budget Appropriations) from counties across the Commonwealth of Virginia, and by Program Income Funds from the IPR Program.Virginias Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program is also funded by DHCD. Additionally, all of SERCAPs programs in Virginia are leveragedby support fromVirginia Budget Appropriation, granted by the Virginia GeneralAssembly and administered by DHCD.