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Thursday, 05 November 2020 Stories, SERCAP News

Currently, SERCAP is partnering with two school districts in Virginia, Westmoreland and Tazewell Counties, to pilot the Agua4All Program in the Commonwealth. Agua4All first launched in California in 2014 to address a critical need in local schools and community facilities, the provision of clean, safe drinking water. The Program raises awareness about the importance of safe drinking water, builds community partnerships to install safe water taps in schools and neighborhoods, and develops long-term solutions to rural water quality and access challenges. The Program’s success has led to opportunities to expand the program first into Texas, and now into Virginia, Missouri, and Montana.

The Agua4All Program:

  • Funds the Installation Hydration Stations in Schools and Community Sites to Provide Safe Drinking Water
  • Funds Reusable Water Bottles for Student and Staff Use, to Encourage Increased Hydration
  • Assists Residents to Save Money on Bottled Water and Other Alternative Safe Water Sources
  • Reduces Disposable Water Bottle Consumption
  • Provides Education on Local Water Quality Issues
  • Promotes Healthy Beverage Choices and Ensures Students Stay Hydrated
  • Provides Training, Technical Assistance, and Capacity Building Resources to Community Sites
  • Establishes a Successful Model for Providing Access to Safe Drinking Water to Distressed Communities

Without SERCAP’s Regional Programs, and other similar services, many communities, low-income individuals, and families would be forced to go without such necessities as water and wastewater infrastructure solutions, community infrastructure needs, indoor plumbing, properly functioning wells and septic systems, safe and affordable housing, and more. It is important to remember that even in the United States in the 21st Century; there are those who do not have reliable access to clean, safe drinking water, environmentally sound septic facilities, and affordable housing. In order to help SERCAP continue to provide assistance to both the individuals and communities in need, please consider making a donation to SERCAP’s Water Life! Fund!

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*Funding for SERCAP’s Regional Department is provided by the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Office of Community Services’ (OCS) Grant, USDA RD’s Technitrain Program, the Drinking Water Compliance Grant through the EPA, and the EPA Private Well Grant. The Agua4All Program is specifically made possible by funds from the Chris Long Foundation and CoBank. Additionally, all of SERCAP’s programs and services in Virginia are leveraged by a Budget Appropriation from the Virginia General Assembly, which is administered by the Virginia Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD).