Facilities Development Program Assists Brown Grove Community in Hanover County, VA

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Friday, 13 December 2024 Stories, SERCAP News, Community Development, Water

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Currently, SERCAP’s Facilities Development Program is assisting the Brown Grove Community in Hanover County, VA, with a project to address water quality issues for 31 households. Many of the residents of the Brown Grove Community lack access to adequate water filtration systems, which has compromised their drinking water, and the overall quality of their potable water. In order to address this issue, the Brown Grove Community applied to SERCAP for Financial Assistance, since the Community could not afford to correct the problem on its own without causing financial hardship to its residents and the Community at-large. 

Fortunately, SERCAP was able to provide Financial Assistance for the critically needed water filtration project. SERCAP’s Facilities Development Program provided a grant of $5,000.00, for the purchase of Shower Filters and Countertop Filters for each of the 31 households in the community. SERCAP also provided Technical Assistance to the Community, and helped them to select and order the correct filters. Once received and installed, the Community and its residents will have clean, safe drinking water and potable water in all 31 homes.  

Without SERCAP’s full slate of Programs and Services, rural communities and low-to-moderate income (LMI) individuals would be forced to go without such necessities as up-to-date water/wastewater infrastructure solutions, clean drinking water, reliable access to safe and affordable housing, indoor plumbing, community development and infrastructure needs, and more. It is important to remember that even in the US in the 21st Century; there are those who do not have reliable access to clean, safe drinking water, environmentally sound septic facilities, and affordable housing. In order to help SERCAP continue to provide assistance to both the individuals and communities in need, please consider making a gift to SERCAP’s Annual Fund!

Give Today: https://sercap.org/give-now 


*Funding for SERCAP’s Regional Department is provided by the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Office of Community Services’ (OCS) Grant, USDA RD’s Technitrain Program, the Drinking Water Compliance Grant through the EPA, and the EPA Private Well Grant. Funding for SERCAP’s Facilities Development Program is provided by a Budget Appropriation from the Virginia General Assembly, which is administered by the Virginia Department of Housing & Community Development. Additionally, all of SERCAP’s programs and services in Virginia are leveraged by the Budget Appropriation from the Virginia General Assembly, administered by DHCD.