SERCAP's Facilities Development Grant Program Assists the Keysville Well Project in…
Recently, SERCAP’s Facilities Development Grant Program assisted the Keysville Well Project in the Town of Keysville in Charlotte County, Virginia. The initial well system was established in the…
SERCAP’s Certified CDFI Loan Fund Program Continues to Provide Individual Household Well…
Southeast Rural Community Assistance Project, Inc.’s (SERCAP) certified CDFI (Community Development Financial Institution) Loan Fund has been an intermediary for USDA RD’s Individual Household Well…
SERCAP's Regional Department Continues Assistance to the Town of Port Royal in…
Over the past few years, SERCAP’s Regional Department has worked with the Town of Port Royal in Caroline County, VA, along with other community partners, to move their water system from a dilapidated…