SERCAP's Housing Department Assists Senior Citizen in Buckingham County, VA!
Recently, SERCAP’s Housing Department was able to assist an elderly gentleman in Buckingham County, VA, to replace the heater in his home. The client has lived in his home for 31 years, and recently…
Meet Tony Dvorak
If you’re in need of both technical assistance for your water plant and personal fitness training, we’ve got just the guy! Meet Anthony “Tony” Dvorak!
SERCAP's Regional Program Once Again Assists Communities Across the Commonwealth of…
As previously reported, each year Community Water Systems across the Commonwealth of Virginia are required to complete and distribute a Water Quality Report, or Consumer Confidence Report (CCR),…
SERCAP Turns 50: On April 25, 2019 SERCAP Will Celebrate 50 Years of Service to Rural…
In 2019, SERCAP turns 50 and will celebrate 50 years of providing training, technical, and financial assistance to rural communities and low-income individuals for water, wastewater, housing, and…
SERCAP's VFC Alternative Break Program Gears Up for Spring Break Week 2019!
As March 2019 rapidly approaches, SERCAP’s VFC Alternative Break Program is gearing up for Spring Break Week 2019!
SERCAP Continues Assistance to Long-term Project in Hobson's Upper Village in the…
After years of struggle, approximately 28 low-to-moderate income homeowners of the Hobson community’s Upper Village, located in the City of Suffolk, VA, will be able to connect to the City’s public…
SERCAP Staff Provide Valuable Insight to Equitable Economies Panel Discussion at VA Tech&…
On Wednesday, November 28, 2018, SERCAP’s Virginia State Manager participated in the Equitable Economies Panel Discussion, as an invited Panelist, at the 2nd Annual Advancing the Human Condition…
Meet Randy Welch
SERCAP is full of dedicated, selfless individuals hoping to make our communities healthier, stronger, and better places for all. One of these incredible individuals is Randy Welch!
State Series: Delaware - An Update on the Fight to Bring Quality Water to the Community…
In the States Series, SERCAP is highlighting recent projects and the work the agency is doing in each state in its service region.
SERCAP's VFC Alternative Break Program Sends First Student Volunteers to Alleghany…
SERCAP’s VFC Alternative Break Program is a community service program which partners with Colleges/Universities and Community Host Sites to match civic-minded Student Volunteers with engaging service…