March 2021

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Water is Life!

“Water is life.” How would you describe that phrase? For some, those three words are just words: a simple phrase that doesn’t mean much. For us at SERCAP, however, that phrase is the reason we exist.
Jean Holloway

Meet Jean Holloway

SERCAP exists to serve. Yes, in a very literal sense, we provide resources to our clients, but in a broader sense, we are here to support communities and individuals.
Ricky Crews

Meet Ricky Crews

Ricky Crews is not a man you’d find paper-pushing at a desk. He’s a tradesman, and proud of it, deservedly so. For decades he’s worked in public service positions, from utilities to law enforcement…
Buckingham County - Dixie Hill

Home Maintenance Tips

It’s finally starting to feel like spring. As the weather is warming, we are getting excited for barbeques, pool days, and trips to the beach. The warm spring and summer months are also a great time…
Russ Rice

Meet Russ Rice

For Russ Rice, answering the question, “Why do you come to work each day?” is easy.
Pat Walker

Meet Pat Walker

Pat Walker, the State Manager for South Carolina, has a special connection to the Palmetto State. He has spent his entire life living, learning and working in South Carolina.
SERCAP Board Members

What's New at SERCAP?

What’s happening at SERCAP? A lot of excitement! We have an exciting staff announcement to share with you, and we are also approaching an exciting milestone!