SERCAP’s Housing Department Prepares to Wrap-up Long-term CDBG Project in Town of…
SERCAP’s Housing Department recently completed all construction for, and is preparing close-out, its Housing Rehabilitation Services for the long-term Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Project…
SERCAP's Housing Counseling Program Delivers Free Virtual Fair Housing Workshop!
Over the past 15 months, despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, SERCAP’s Housing Counseling Program has continued to provide quality one-on-one counseling and group education services to…
SERCAP's Certified CDFI Loan Fund Program Continues to Provide Individual Household…
Since 2012, SERCAP’s Certified CDFI (Community Development Financial Institution) Loan Fund has offered an Individual Household Septic Loan Product to low-to-moderate income (LMI) homeowners across…
SERCAP’s Certified CDFI Community Development Loan Fund Assists Low-income Couple in…
Currently, SERCAP’s Certified CDFI (Community Development Financial Institution) Loan Fund is assisting a low-income couple in Scott County, VA, to have a new well drilled at their home. The couple…
SERCAP's Facilities Development Grant Program Assists Town of Haysi in Dickinson…
Currently, SERCAP’s Regional Department is assisting the Town of Haysi in Dickinson County, VA, through the provision of a Facilities Development Grant. The Town of Haysi is a small, low-income,…
SERCAP to Launch SERCAP ELI Program to Support Entrepreneurs and Communities Across the…
This summer, SERCAP is preparing to launch its new SERCAP ELI Program across the Commonwealth of Virginia, in partnership with the Entrepreneurial Learning Initiative (ELI). The SERCAP ELI Program is…
SERCAP’s Housing Department Assists Low-Income Elderly Woman in Rockbridge County,…
Recently, SERCAP’s Housing Department assisted a low-income, elderly woman living in Rockbridge County, VA, to have a new septic system installed at her home. The client has lived in her home for…
SERCAP Assists Town of Monterey, VA with Grant Funds for Delinquent Water Bills through…
SERCAP recently assisted the Town of Monterey, VA, by providing a small grant in the amount of $1,172.00 to the Town, from the agency’s Water Is Life! Fund. Just last month, April 2021, SERCAP’s…
SERCAP’s Housing Department Assists Low-Income Family of Five in Albemarle County,…
Recently, SERCAP’s Housing Department assisted a low-income family of five (5) living in Albemarle County, VA, to complete a significant rehabilitation of their home. The family has lived in the home…
SERCAP's Regional Program Once Again Assists Communities with Annual Water Quality…
Every year, Community Water Systems across the Commonwealth of Virginia are required to complete and distribute an Annual Water Quality Report, or Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), which provides…