SERCAP’s Housing Department Assists Low-Income Family of Five in Albemarle County,…
Recently, SERCAP’s Housing Department assisted a low-income family of five (5) living in Albemarle County, VA, to complete a significant rehabilitation of their home. The family has lived in the home…

SERCAP's Regional Program Once Again Assists Communities with Annual Water Quality…
Every year, Community Water Systems across the Commonwealth of Virginia are required to complete and distribute an Annual Water Quality Report, or Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), which provides…

SERCAP's Housing Department Assists Low-Income Senior Citizen in the City of Suffolk…
Recently, SERCAP’s Housing Department assisted a low-income senior citizen living in the City of Suffolk, VA. The client has been living in her home for 20 years, and the structure was especially in…

SERCAP's Regional Program Assists Brown Grove Preservation Group Near Town of…
Currently, SERCAP’s Regional Program is assisting the Brown Grove Preservation Group with a water sampling project near the Town of Ashland in Hanover County, Virginia. Brown Grove, a primarily…

SERCAP's Essential & Critical Needs Program Assists Low-Income Elderly Woman in…
Recently, SERCAP’s Essential & Critical Needs Program assisted a low-income elderly woman in Accomack County, VA, to have the water-pump for her individual household well repaired. The client has…

SERCAP's Housing Department Assists Low-Income Single Elderly Woman in Buckingham…
Recently, SERCAP’s Housing Department assisted a low-income single elderly woman living in Buckingham County, VA, to gain potable water in her home. The family home was built in 1920, and the client…

SERCAP's Facilities Development Grant Program Awards Additional Funds to Accomack…
In November of 2019, SERCAP’s Facilities Development Grant Program awarded funds to the Accomack-Northampton Planning District Commission (A-NPDC) to support an ongoing project in the Gospel Temple…

SERCAP's Certified CDFI Loan Fund Program Assists Low-Income Single Man in…
Recently, SERCAP’s Certified CDFI (Community Development Financial Institution) Loan Fund assisted a low-income single man in Montgomery County, VA, to complete critical repairs to the well at his…

SERCAP's Housing Department Assists Low-Income Senior Citizen in the Town of Dillwyn…
Recently, SERCAP’s Housing Department assisted a low-income senior citizen living in the Town of Dillwyn in Buckingham County, VA, as part of the Dillwyn Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)…

SERCAP's Regional Program Continues Long-term Assistance to the Town of Port Royal…
Since 2015, SERCAP has been providing Technical Assistance (TA) to the Town of Port Royal in Caroline County, VA, in order to provide both temporary assistance and a long-term solution, to transform…