SERCAP's Housing Department Assists Low-Income Single Woman in Buckingham County,…
Currently, SERCAP’s Housing Department is assisting a low-income single woman living in Buckingham County, VA. The client lives in her home alone, and recently began experiencing difficulty with both…

SERCAP's Regional Department Continues Water Sampling in Town of Exmore on the…
Currently, SERCAP’s Regional Program is continuing to work with its partners on the Eastern Shore of Virginia to conduct additional water sampling, this time in the Town of Exmore, Virginia. SERCAP’s…

SERCAP's Certified CDFI Loan Fund Assists Low-Income Senior Citizen in Campbell…
Recently, SERCAP’s Certified CDFI (Community Development Financial Institution) Loan Fund assisted a low-income, senior woman in Campbell County, VA. Since she had been experiencing low water…

SERCAP's Essential & Critical Needs Program Assists Low-Income Senior Citizen in…
Currently, SERCAP’s Essential & Critical Needs Program is assisting a low-income senior woman living in Russell County, VA, to have a water meter and public service-line installed at her home in…

SERCAP's Housing Department Assists Low-Income Elderly Couple in Montgomery County,…
Recently, SERCAP’s Housing Department assisted a low-income elderly couple living in Montgomery County, VA. The couple has been living in their home for 47-years, but recently noticed that their home…

SERCAP Hosts 2nd Annual #GivingTuesday Virtual Q&A Session, Educating General Public…
On Tuesday, November 30, 2021, SERCAP hosted its second virtual Q&A Session as part of its Annual #GivingTuesday Awareness and Fundraising Campaign. This year’s virtual Q&A session focused on…

SERCAP's Facilities Development Grant Program Supports Community Center Project in…
Recently, SERCAP’s Facilities Development Grant Program committed funds to support a multi-year community center project in Buckingham County, Virginia. SERCAP’s Facilities Development Program…

SERCAP's Certified CDFI Loan Fund Assists Low-Income Single Woman in Fluvanna County…
Recently, SERCAP’s Certified CDFI (Community Development Financial Institution) Loan Fund assisted a low-income single woman in Fluvanna County, VA. She had been dealing with a muddy water well and…

SERCAP's Housing Department Assists Extremely Low-Income Senior Couple in Clarke…
Recently, SERCAP’s Housing Department assisted an extremely low-income senior couple living in Clarke County, VA to install critical accessibility features into their bathroom. The couple has lived…

SERCAP's Certified CDFI Loan Fund Provides Small Business Loans to Small Business…
Southeast Rural Community Assistance Project, Inc.’s (SERCAP) certified CDFI (Community Development Financial Institution) Loan Fund is currently providing Small Business Loans to Small Business…