
A Letter from SERCAP's President & CEO
Dear Clients, Friends, and Supporters,

SERCAP's Certified CDFI Loan Fund Program Assists Veteran in Warren County, VA!
Recently, SERCAP’s Certified CDFI (Community Development Financial Institution) Loan Fund assisted a Veteran in Warren County, VA, to have a new well drilled at his home. The client’s nearly 50-year…

SERCAP's Housing Department Assists Low-Income Family of Three in Caroline County,…
Recently, SERCAP’s Housing Department assisted a low-income family of three (3) in Caroline County, VA, by replacing their failing septic system. The clients have lived in the home for over 30 years,…

SERCAP's Regional Department Delivers Board Training to Town of Monterey in Highland…
On Tuesday, February 4, 2020 SERCAP’s Regional staff, in partnership with the Virginia Department of Health’s (VDH) Office of Drinking Water (ODW), delivered a day-long training session entitled…

SERCAP's VFC Alternative Break Program Gears Up for its Spring Break 2020 Weeks of…
As March and April 2020 rapidly approach, SERCAP’s VFC Alternative Break Program is gearing up for its Spring Break 2020 Weeks of Service! Thus far, SERCAP has confirmed that approximately 199…

SERCAP's Housing Department Completes Housing Rehabilitation for CDBG Project in…
Back in the Spring of 2017, SERCAP was selected as the Housing Rehabilitation Specialist for the Lower Roxbury Neighborhood Revitalization Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Project, in the…

SERCAP's Certified CDFI Loan Fund Program Assists Female Senior Citizen in…
Recently, SERCAP’s Certified CDFI (Community Development Financial Institution) Loan Fund assisted an elderly woman in Cumberland County, VA, to have a new well drilled at her home. The client’s old…

SERCAP's Essential & Critical Needs Program Assists Low-Income Couple in…
ecently, SERCAP’s Essential & Critical Needs Program assisted a low-income couple in Caroline County, VA, with repairing their water-lines. The water pipes and hoses at their home had…

SERCAP's Regional Program Provides Technical Assistance to the Weems Community in…
Home to 114 African American residents, the small community of Weems is located in the Greentown and Gaskins Road area of Lancaster County, VA.

SERCAP's Certified CDFI Loan Fund Program Assists Family of Four (4) in Culpeper…
Recently, SERCAP’s Certified CDFI (Community Development Financial Institution) Loan Fund assisted a low-income family of four (4) living in Culpeper County, VA, to have a new well drilled at their…